Nip 05 External Identity Claim

NIP-XX --- NIP-05 External Identity Claim

The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 (opens in a new tab).

draft optional

depends:05 depends:39

1. Motivation

The purpose of this NIP is to provide means for users to establish their identity against one or more NIP-05 (opens in a new tab) aliases.

2. Short Description

The idea behind this NIP is to allow users to establish equivalences between their multiple identities using the same underlying public key.

In order to do this, we allow a new claim type to be used in an "i" tag.

3. Overview

This document is organized as follows: first we introduce the new NIP-05 Claim Type, finally we deal with the Client Behavior.

4. NIP-05 Claim Type

A NIP-05 claim type is a new claim type (as defined in NIP-39 (opens in a new tab)) where:



5. Client Behavior

Clients MAY validate this identity tag by querying https://<DOMAIN>/.well-known/nostr.json?name=<USERNAME>, and verifying that in the resulting message:

    "names": {
        "<USERNAME>": <PUBKEY>

the <PUBKEY> corresponds to the event's .pubkey field.