

As NOSTR has NIPs as its underlying governance mechanism, validators require their own as well. This is not to eclipse the NIPs mechanism, but rather to increase interoperability between clients, especially in light of embedded validation.

As validators settle and get embedded in clients, bugs, enhancements, or mere changes to well-established ones will will need to be taken care of. Although there's no need to define a governance mechanism in its entirety here, we do want to provide some guidelines any such mechanism should follow:

  • Proposal distribution: VIP documents should be distributed in a resilient and decentralized manner, ideally utilizing the NOSTR network itself (perhaps via a NIP-23 (opens in a new tab) event).
  • Proposal discussion and validation: discussion of the proposal should be conducted in an open and transparent manner, ideally within the NOSTR network itself (perhaps via comments to the original VIP document).
  • Proposal voting and acceptance: clients and end users should then vote on the VIP proposal, voting should be transparent and open, ideally tracked in the NOSTR network itself as well.